The Crash

Elijah Raji
5 min readAug 11, 2022


A picture of the damage caused by the accident

On this rainy day, I took a few passengers to Terminus in the morning by 8:00. their total fare was 200, so it was not a profitable venture. I decided to buy a wiper on my way back home. As I approached the wiper seller, who was at the roadside and holding a bunch of wipers in his hand. I saw a passenger and picked her up. I’m sure I asked him how much the wipers cost before today and he said it was 500 Naira. but when I told him, he said in Hausa: “for the two? no.” Then he said I should pay 1500 Naira. We bargained and I told him I would pay 800 for the two. He seemed to agree and went on to replace it. After he finished, I gave him a 1000 Naira note. and he started looking for a 100 Naira change instead of the 200 Naira on his hand that he should give me. I insisted that he give me my complete change. He was still hesitant. He even left to look for change from a man behind us. but he did not get it. The lady was now impatient and wanted to drop. I told him to pay me my complete money and that my passenger is being delayed. The whole situation put pressure on him, so he gave me the 200 Naira in his hand. as we drove away and the passenger spoke about why he did not want to give the change. I told her about the day that I asked for the price, and how he acted that day. she told me that he left with the wiper he removed from my car, so I should even pay less. I told her I did not care about the wiper. as far as I get my complete money. Then we talked a little about why she should pay 100 Naira instead of the 150 I told her to pay. She said she pays 150 from polo to Building Materials, and from old airport junction to building materials, she pays 70 Naira. so her money should be 100 Naira. I agreed to collect 100 Naira from her. On our way back, we talked about the potential of getting passengers from polo instead of from Terminus. and she said it will be better to pick from polo. because I can wait by the roundabout, and let the road transport union workers load my car full. The change of wiper was a pleasant upgrade. It made driving in the rain a lot better, and everything was going well.

As I approached the Miango junction roundabout, there was a Dangote cement truck by my side and a white car in front of me and a cargo truck by his side. I made sure I drove ahead of the Dangote truck by my left and gave him enough space between us. every vehicle slowed down as they approached the roundabout. I felt an external force pushing my car from the rear left. Then it happened again, this time with an annoying sound. It was the Dangote truck. I swerved away from it. I pressed my horn and signalled that he would park. He did not. I kept pressing the horn and telling him to park while following him behind. knowing that he can’t outrun me, he started pointing his trafficator. He started from Sparkling junction, but still did not stop. even when there were free spaces from Dadin-Kowa’s first gate junction. He finally stopped at Dadin-Kowa’s last gate junction. I parked in front of him and came outside to inspect my car. The damage was bad. He came down and started claiming that I am the one at fault and that I swore towards him, and that I damaged his truck. I told him he has to pay, and he said some shit; like I am trying to cause a problem for him and his journey and some other shit. people came around and asked me what the matter was, and how it happened. I explained to them what had happened, thinking they were going to act as mediators. All they said was “leave him with God. Thank God it’s not worse than this.” I told them I can’t leave him with God. I am broke, he needs total responsibility. he said we should go back to where it happened and let the people there be the mediators. I agreed, and he entered his truck. the passenger. people kept coming and saying “ leave everything for God, …” one man asked me to wait as if he was going to help. Then he said “just leave everything for God” it pissed the fuck out of me. Not only because of the accident but also at the scale of hypocrisy. My passenger called my attention and told me that the Dangote truck is not going back as agreed. I got into the car, she got in and I started moving. I will drop her at the original dropping place since we are going straight. She asked me if I can let him go, that chasing him may be fruitless. I saw no I can’t I have to try, I can’t let him go like that. She said I should also consider my fuel. I dropped her off and followed the driver. knowing that I will get to zero junction before him and report him to the checkpoint there. if I miss that checkpoint then I have the checkpoint at Maraban Jama’a. I stepped on the gas pedal and overtook every car in front of me. The only thing that slowed me down was the traffic. That should also slow him down, I passed a lot of trucks but didn’t see the Dangote truck. I was conscious of fuel, and at this point, I should have found him. I turned at the U-turn before the police staff college. The truck driver must have diverted at some point or my passenger lied to me. At this point, I’m too far away to look for him. I got fuel and drove back home to write this post.

I'm interested to know how you would have handled the issue. drop a comment if you can.



Elijah Raji

A guy who loves chess, movies, video games, music, coding, writing, and others I haven't mentioned or discovered yet. I will share some of my thoughts here.